If you wish to offer your overpaid delegates a refund, you must first handle the refund transaction externally through your bank account or payment gateway. Ex Ordo does not facilitate automatic refunds on the external platform.
You should update the registration after issuing refunds to ensure all payments and refunds have been recorded correctly.
1: Navigate to the registrations list
Navigate to the Registrations hub and click on the Registrations tab to see all registrations.
2: Locate the registration
You can find the delegate you would like to record a refund for by searching by name or using the filter to show all overpaid delegates. Click on the delegates name to expand their registration so you can view details, record changes or take other action.
3: Record the Refund
The registration view will expand and you will see more options. Click on the Record a Refund button.
The amount overpaid will automatically be set in the pop up, but you can change this amount if needed. It is a good idea to add notes that will help you keep track of actions such as a bank transfer ID number or a note to explain the refund was issued Via Stripe or in person. When ready, click on the Record Refund button to save.
Don't forget to send the refund via bank transfer, your payment gateway or in another way. Ex Ordo does not manage transactions and does not automatically send refunds to your delegates.
Will the delegate be informed of the refund?
Yes, The delegate will now receive an automated email confirmation saying they have paid the correct amount and will appear as so in your list of registrations.
You can view and edit this template in the Communication hub in the Delegate section located in the Templates drop-down menu.