Limit authors to choose from only one topic group


Sometimes providing a list of topics and asking your authors to choose from them simply isn't enough. You might have a list of overall topic groups with sub-topics for each and it could be important for you to funnel authors through one topic group. 

Step 1) Create your Topic groups and Topics

When customizing Step 3, Topics, in the Configure Authors Submissions workflow, you can create/add your topics and the topic groups. As is shown in the example below, this conference has 2 topic groups - Fruit and Vegetables. Each topic group has its own sub-topics relevant to the overall group. You can always create another topic group, or add an additional topic to the group already created, as in the example below:


Step 2) Limit authors to choose from one topic group

When your topic groups and topics are entered, at the bottom of the page you can see a switch Limit authors to choose from one topic group. If you would like to limit their choice, click on the switch to activate to Yes. They will then only be able to choose from one group when submitting their material. 


In the submissions workflow authors need to pick the Topic group before they can choose their topic:

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