Panels act as a container for other submissions. The fields admins can collect within panels are:
- Panel Title
- Panel Description
- Access: Invite-only / open
- Panel Organisers: Convenor, Discussant, Panel Chair
- Topics
- Tracks (if enabled)
- Additional info custom questions (no author custom questions)
Panel organisers
Anyone who starts a new Panel is that Panels organiser. If the conference admins are creating the panel, anyone who's details are entered in the Roles, will be that panels organiser.
Panel contributions
These are the submissions contained within a panel. Submissions that are panel contributions take on the topics and the track of whichever panel they belong to.
Convenors, discussants and panel chairs
These are the people in charge of submitting and running the panel itself. In the Submissions hub, all 3 roles have the same permissions. But later, in the Reviews hub, only Convenors will be allocated as the reviewer of contributions submitted to their panel.
Public panels list
This list is visible to anyone who logs into a conference. It shows every panel that’s been fully submitted to the conference. It also allows authors to submit to panels. As an author, you can get to this list by following the “Browse List of Panels” prompt on the submit card on your dashboard, or via the “My Submissions” menu at the top of the screen.
Invite only or Open panel
There are two options when it comes to Panels access, a Panel can be Open or Invite Only. Anyone can submit to an open panel, but only the panel organisers and conference admins can submit contributions to their panel which is set to be the invite only. Access restrictions are set up during the Panel submission process.
Panel organiser cards
Action cards that will show the panel organiser their own panel details, and submissions contributed to their panel.
Panel receipt
Panel organisers will get an emailed receipt when they submit their panel.
Panel contribution receipt
Panel contribution receipts are sent to all authors listed as such on a panel contribution. Panel organisers will also get an emailed receipt when an author submits a contribution to their panel.