Review group chair: Reminding reviewers to complete reviews


Review group chairs may be asked to ensure reviewers complete their work by a set deadline. As a review group chair, you can do this in 3 ways. 


Using the Review Overview card


  1. Navigate to your dashboard and locate the Review Overview card
  2. From here, click on the Remind Reviewers button
  3. Follow the prompts to send out the reminder email template - you can edit this template before hitting send. See below for more information on the email process! 



From the List of Reviewers:


  1. Navigate to the List of Reviewers in the Reviews hub
  2. Use the All Review Progress filter to view reviewers who are still reviewing content

  3. Place a check at the top of the list to select all reviewers
  4. Click on the Email button to follow the prompts and send the reminder email. See below for more information on editing the reminder before sending it out. 



Creating a new email in the Communication hub:


  1. Navigate to the Communication hub
  2. Create a New Message

  3. Select Reviewers as your recipient group and click Next

  4. Update the filter to include only those who Have Outstanding Reviews and click Next. See below below for more information on editing the template before sending your message. 


Editing and sending the reminder email:


No matter how you create the email, you can edit the template before sending it on Step 3: Write. You will need to add a subject line before going to the Next step. You can also choose to edit the text in the email, add an attachment or update the email signature and reply to email to your own.


By default, the reply to email is the conference email. We suggest changing this reply to email at the bottom of the page if the replies should go directly to you. 



When you are happy with the message, click Next to view a sample of what your message will look like. The details in the email are not real, but it will give you a good idea of what this message will look like. You can send yourself a test message to see the email in your own inbox, as well. 


You can go Back to change the message or click Next to send it out when you are happy with it. 



The final step is to hit Send. That's it!