This article walks you through the process of setting up the marking scheme for your reviewers. This is the criteria reviewers will base their reviews on. You can customise the pre populated fields to meet your requirements.
Scoring Categories
1) General Scoring is made up of template sub scoring categories including:
- Technical Merit
- Readability
- Relevance
- Originality
Each of these is marked from 1-5 and are brought together to give an average score.
The next scoring categories are:
2) Format
While uploading a submission, authors indicated a preference for either an oral or poster presentation (shown above). If accepted, which presentation format do you believe is most appropriate for this submission? (You are not required to agree with the author's preference.)
3) Acceptance
Should this submission be accepted at this conference in your opinion? Please specify your judgment below and outline any recommendations for the full paper.
4) Confidence
Every scoring category can be changed or completely removed by un-ticking that box. As a reviewer, how confident were you within the knowledge area discussed in this submission? The help text is shown to reviewers when they click on a scoring category, the text in each of these boxes can be changed.