Ex Ordo offers a submissions import for customers who have collected submissions outside of the system. This is a service that can be purchased by contacting our Sales team (sales@exordo.com).
Why might I purchase this?
Some customers may have already collected submissions using another platform, email or in some other way. They may want to switch to Ex Ordo to use our review, Virtual hub, mobile app sync or other services. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please reach out to sales@exordo.com to purchase this service or support@exordo.com if you have already purchased a submission import.
What is the process?
Each submissions import is unique and requires substantial technical attention. The Support team will first work with you to clarify exactly what content needs to be imported so that our Engineering team can create a custom submissions import template for you. This template then needs to be filled in with the required data.
Please see the below for more details:
Step 1: Agree on the timeline
This work takes significant time and effort on the part of our Engineering team. For this reason, we need to clarify the timeline for receiving information and importing content well in advance. The Support team will work with you to book the dates for the import.
Step 2: Carry out submissions call and platform training
It is important that you understand how the submissions process works and that we configure the initial submissions hub correctly. The Ex Ordo Support team will show you how the platform works so you can configure it to ensure all needed information is input into the system as expected based on the data provided.All
Step 3: Give sign off that the submissions workflow contains everything that you need
You will sign off on the set up so our engineering team can create the custom import template that includes fields for all content you need within the system.
Step 4: Custom import template will be provided to you and we will request a sample data set
After receiving your sign off, our Engineers will create the custom import template. The Support team will share it with you as soon as it is ready. We ask for a small set of data be added to the template so our Engineers can test the import in advance of the full data set.
Step 5: the Engineering team runs import of sample data
Our engineers will import the sample data set. If there are any issues or clarifications, we will let you know!
Step 6: Send us the completed template by agreed upon date
Once we have the template back, we’ll share it with the Engineers who will be able to carry out the import.
Step 7: We’ll let you know when the import has been completed
That’s it! We’ll send you an email to confirm when the import has been completed. You can then move onto the next steps on your side which may include creating your schedule or customising the mobile app. The next steps depend on what you have purchased, but we promise to clearly communicate the details with you. We are also always a short email away and happy to answer any questions!