Track chair: Edit content on behalf of an author


There may be times when an author needs to make an edit to their submission, whether it be an author name change or a typo, and they can't because the deadline has passed. Track chairs can make the edits on behalf of the authors at any time. 

Editing submission content

Track chairs can edit submission content in the Initial submissions hub which is accessible in the Submissions menu at the top of the page.



You will see the List of submissions that are on your track(s) here. You can use the search bars and filters to narrow this list down and locate the specific submission you need to edit. Click on a submission title to open the expanded view.



Once expanded, click Edit in the bottom right-hand corner.



You can then move through the steps, make changes as needed and hit Done to move onto the next step.



Editing Panels and Panel Contributions:

The following steps are relevant to sites which have the panel feature enabled only. This content is not applicable to sites that are not using the panels feature.

Panel Contributions can be edited in the List of Submissions by following the steps above. Panels decriptions can be edited in the List of Panels which is also located in the Initial Submissions hub.

You can use the search bar and/or filters to narrow down the list. Next, click on the panel title that you need to edit.



Once expanded, click Edit in the bottom right-hand corner and follow the prompts to modify the panel. You can then follow the prompts to make and save the required changes.