Track chair: How to notify authors to upload final drafts?

Authors can upload their final drafts or make edits on their submissions if the Programme stage of the conference is open. Programme stage has to be configured by the Conference chair. You can send an email from the communication hub asking authors to do so. 

Step 1: Create a New Message

You can email your accepted authors Communication hub. Click on New Message to get started.


Step 2: Select Accepted authors

Choose Accepted Authors and click Next to filter your list and draft the email. 


Step 3: Filter by author status

There are a number of filters you can use depending on your set up. You may have all of the following or only some of the following filters:

  • Track: allows you to contact authors on one track only. This is only visible if you are a track chair on more than one track.
  • Acceptance Format: allows you to email authors with a specific acceptance format only (e.g., only email posters, not authors on oral submissions)
  • Final submission status: allows you to email authors based on status (e.g., only email authors on pending final submissions)
  • RSVP status: allows you to email authors based on RSVP status (e.g., only email authors who have accepted the invitation to present)
  • Author type: allows you to only email authors who are presenters or the corresponding author) 


Click Next after you have reviewed and updated the filters, if needed.




Step 4: Compose and check settings

You can now compose your message. We recommend:

  • creating a clear subject line so authors know that this is an important message
  • writing a simple message explaining exactly what you need from authors at this stage
  • attaching files, if needed
  • changing the signature in the From Name drop down, if needed
  • changing the reply to email, if needed


Click next to check out a preview of your message before sending it. 



Step 5: Preview


Check out the preview on the next step and if you are happy with it, click the Next button to send the email. Alternatively, click Back to make changes. 


You can use the Send Test Message feature to see the email in your real inbox before sending the email to authors. 



Step 6: Send

When ready, click on the Send Message button to send out the email.



That's it! Accepted authors will see a card on their dashboard inviting them to complete their final submission.