Track chair: Reminding authors to RSVP


As a track chair, you may be in charge of managing RSVPs for the submissions accepted to your track. The RSVP function is designed to help you collect the information about which accepted submissions are actually going to appear at the conference. The conference organisers will decide if and when the RSVP function will be used. Your platform may not be using the RSVP feature. 

Viewing the RSVP List


You can see the list of RSVPs and the responses under the Reviews hub in the List of RSVPs. You can filter the list to view submissions that are:

  • Confirmed - they have confirmed the presence of their submission to your conference.
  • Declined - they have declined the invitation to appear at your conference.
  • Pending - they have not yet responded to your invitation.



Reminding authors to RSVP:


There are two ways authors can be reminded to RSVP in the platform:

  1. Using the automated emails for RSVP 
  2. By using a bulk action from the list


Automated RSVP reminders:


Conference organisers may choose to automate RSVP reminders. If activated, all Pending RSVP authors will then be emailed 10 days, 3 days and 1 day before the RSVP deadline to remind them to login and respond to the RSVP. Track chairs cannot enable these reminder emails. 


Sending a manual RSVP reminder:


1. Navigate to the List of RSVPs in the Review hub

2. Use a filter to view pending RSVPs only

3. Click Email

4. Follow the prompts to create and send your email