Many conferences will have multiple pricing windows, rewarding delegates with cheaper fees the earlier they pay. When setting up your registration, you can have up to 3 pricing windows - Early, Regular and Late.
You'll decide if you want to use pricing windows during onboarding, but you can change it at any time. Access your pricing windows settings from the Manage dropdown, as below.
Your pricing windows
You will see which pricing window option you have selected as it will be highlighted in green, with the other two options in grey. Should you need to change your pricing windows to have more or less than you currently have, simply click on the option you want.
Pricing window deadlines
Here you can also choose the deadlines for your pricing windows. In the example below, there are two pricing windows, Early and Regular. In this case, you are asked for the deadline of the Early window. Choose the deadline you need and the next window will begin on the following day.