Sometimes your Reviewers don't quite agree on the scores and you need to add another reviewer to make a judgment call. Or you may need your Oral submissions to be reviewed by three people, but have posters reviewed by only 2. You can add additional review slots to one or multiple submissions so you can assign additional reviewers to the submission.
Additional slots can be added only by the Conference admins and Track chairs. Review group chairs don't have this option available.
Adding Review slots after the allocation
From your Submissions list in the Review hub use bulk action to mark submissions that need additional slots. You can also use All Formats filter to filter out only Oral Submissions for example.
Once you've selected submissions that need additional slots by using a bulk action you will see a few new filters at the top of the list - Add Review Slots being one of them:
The new screen will open up for you and you can then decide on the number of Review slots you would like to add. Pick a number from a dropdown and hit Yes, Add Slots:
The system will work in the background to add the new slots. Once completed, the platform will prompt you to view the changes or you can simply refresh the page to see the new reviewer slots.
The new review slots will be empty, but you can click on them to assign a reviewer. Check out this article on editing the allocation for full details on how to assign a reviewer to an empty review slot.
Adding Review slots while in Review
You can still add new review slots if you already started the review and you have some submissions that need additional reviewers. You can only add new review slots if no decision has been applied.
Admins and track chairs can locate submissions in the Reviews hub that need additional slots. Once located, you can add one or more review slots to one or multiple submissions by:
- Placing a check next to the left of the submissions that need new review slots
- Click on the Actions menu
- Select the Add Review Slots option in the Actions menu
You can then select the number of new slots needed in the pop up window and use the Yes, Add Slots button to confirm your choice.
The system will work away on creating the new reviewer slots. When the action has been completed, the system will let you know! Don't forget to select View Submissions as this will actually refresh the page and show you the changes you've made. You can also refresh the page to see the new slots.
And remember, additional review slots will be only created on submissions without a decision.