Admin: Accepting a Contribution from a Rejected Panel


Panel contributions will be considered rejected after publishing your decisions and if:

  • you reject the full panel
  • you reject the panel contribution inside of a panel, even if that panel is accepted as a while


You may want to accept a rejected panel contribution as an individual submission or accept it within a different panel. Please email if you wish to move a panel contribution to a different panel. 


If you wish to accept a panel contribution as an individual submission, you must remove it form the panel first. This article will detail the steps to accept a panel contribution as an individual panel.


Step 1: Open the Panel in the Reviews hub


Click on a specific panel in the List of Panels located in the Review hub to expand it. You will see all of the panel contributions here.



Step 2: Remove the Panel Contribution


Click on the name of the panel contribution you wish to remove. 



Use the Remove from Panel button located in the bottom left-hand corner of the pop up window and follow the prompts to confirm your choice. 


The panel contribution will be considered an individual submission once removed because it is no longer connected to a panel. It will also become pending. Follow the steps below to complete the submission.



Step 3: Complete the panel in the Initial Submissions hub


Navigate to the Initial Submissions hub and locate the submission you just removed from the panel using the search bar on the List of Submissions. Click on the submission title and then click Edit in the bottom right-hand corner. 




Step 4: Add in any missing information and complete the submission


You can now complete the submission by filling in missing information. Panel contributions automatically inherit the format of panel contribution and the topics that the were associated with the panel. This information must be completed for the panel to be reviewed and/or accepted. Other information such as as the title of the submission, author details and abstract content will still be in the system.


Click through the steps, providing any missing information, until all steps are completed.



Step 5: Review the submission (if needed) and accept the submission


You can review and/or accept the submission once it is complete in the List of Submissions located in the Review hub. You may see completed review information on the submission already if it was reviewed as part of the panel. You can:



Step 6: Publish the decision and Notify Authors


After you assign a decision, you can then publish the decision and notify authors when ready.