Adding late submissions

Authors cannot submit new or editing existing content after the submissions deadline. Administrators can do this for authors at any time by follow the steps below. There are two ways to create a late submission on behalf of an author.

Through your dashboard:

You can use the submissions  summary card on your dashboard. Click on Enter Late Submission and follow the prompts to add a new submission after the deadline. 



When using tracks, the submissions overview card displays an Add Submission button that you can use to add a late submission.



Through the initial submissions hub:

Admins can add submissions after the deadline by:

  1. Clicking on Submissions at the top of the page
  2. Selecting Initial Submissions
  3. From the List of Submissions, click on the + New Submission button
  4. Follow the prompts to complete the submission workflow 



Considerations for late submissions:

Ensuring you are not listed as the author:

When submitting content on behalf of an author, you will want to ensure you are not listed as the author. It is important to remove yourself as an author if you are listed as one. You can then add in the actual author(s) information. 



Deciding on how to manage the review for the new submission(s):

If you are adding a submission into the system late, your review stage might be that: